Online Assembler and Disassembler

by @Jonathan Salwan using Keystone and Capstone projects.


ARM ARM (thumb) AArch64 Mips (32) Mips (64) PowerPC (32) PowerPC (64)
Sparc x86 (16) x86 (32) x86 (64)

Inline Python Hex C-Array



ARM ARM (thumb) AArch64 Mips (32) Mips (64) PowerPC (32) PowerPC (64)
Sparc x86 (16) x86 (32) x86 (64)

Little Endian Big Endian

Base addr

Addresses Bytescodes Instructions



0x0000000000000000:  00 B9 00 20    add       byte ptr [bx + di + 0x2000], bh
0x0000000000000004: FC cld
0x0000000000000005: F3 A5 rep movsw word ptr es:[di], word ptr [si]
0x0000000000000007: 07 pop es
0x0000000000000008: 1F pop ds
0x0000000000000009: C3 ret
0x000000000000000a: 1E push ds
0x000000000000000b: 53 push bx
0x000000000000000c: B4 3D mov ah, 0x3d
0x000000000000000e: B0 00 mov al, 0
0x0000000000000010: CD 21 int 0x21
0x0000000000000012: 72 42 jb 0x56
0x0000000000000014: 8B D8 mov bx, ax
0x0000000000000016: 5A pop dx
0x0000000000000017: 06 push es