# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import hashlib, struct, sys def RROT(b, n, wsize): # eq to >>>, borrowed from bonsaiviking return ((b << (wsize-n)) & (2**wsize-1)) | (b >> n) def SHA224(m): sha224 = hashlib.sha224() sha224.update(m) return int(sha224.hexdigest(), 16) def compress(m, c): assert len(m) == 1 # calc sha224 on m x = SHA224(m) # rotate c by 28 bits xor with x return x ^ RROT(c, 56, 224) # Xorxes Hash uses message blocks of 8-bits, with a 224-bit chaining variable. # # (m_0) (m_1) ... (m_n) = input message blocks # | | | # SHA224 SHA224 ... SHA224 # | | | # V-(+)-[>>>56]-(+)-[>>>56]- ... --+--- = chaining variable # # chaining variable + (message length mod 24) = hash output # def xorxes_hash(m): IV = ord('M') ^ ord('i') ^ ord('t') ^ ord('h') ^ ord('r') ^ ord('a') c = IV for mb in m: c = compress(mb, c) out = c + ( len(m) % 24 ) return hex(out)[2:-1] if __name__ =='__main__': if not len(sys.argv) == 2: print "python xorxes.py [message]" else: print xorxes_hash(sys.argv[1])