This challenge is deemed broken. It is left up for you to keep playing with :) After our last two run-ins with the fbi, we finally realized the problem: bitcoin. Every decentralized system has failed us so far, so I am taking us back to the golden ages. Silk Goat is a publicly visible website, uses a centralized currency, and runs on a single webserver. Try and top that, edward snowden! Because everything is centralized, I can create money at will. To express my generosity, I've given everyone who registers 100 points to start off with. Unlike the shitty first two versions of Silk Road, I've written everything from scratch WITHOUT the help of stack overflow. Now we are hacker-proof 8} FUCK THE POLICE HINT: Think about concurrency All these servers are running the same challenge: PROTIP: Registering accounts in bulk is not anywhere near the solution. Written by ancat