#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'digest' require 'timeout' class String def red "\e[1;31m#{self}\e[0m" end def green "\e[1;32m#{self}\e[0m" end def yellow "\e[1;33m#{self}\e[0m" end end class Integer def bar() n = self / 5 "[#{('|' * n).ljust(20)}] #{self.to_s.ljust(3)} / 100" end end $stdout.sync = true boss_hp = 100 your_hp = 100 round = 0 begin Timeout.timeout(600) do loop do round += 1 hands = 3.times.map{rand(1..36**5).to_s(36)} puts "======================= Round #{round} ========================" puts "boss hp = #{boss_hp.bar.green}" puts "your hp = #{your_hp.bar.red}" puts "hands = #{hands.inspect}" puts print "how many? " n = gets.to_i print "the magic? " m = gets.to_i x = hands.sample 5.times do sleep 0.2 print '.' end puts "here is mine: #{x}" print "show me the secret: " ys = gets.chomp if ys.size != 16 * n puts "hey, length should be #{16 * n}!".yellow exit end ys = ys.chars.each_slice(16).map(&:join) if ys.map{|y| Digest::MD5.hexdigest(y).to_i(16)}.inject(:+) != m puts "DO NOT CHEAT!!!!".yellow exit end ys = ys.map{|y| hands.find{|h| y.start_with?(h)}} if ys.include?(nil) puts "O_________O??".yellow exit end y = hands.max_by{|h| ys.count(h)} xi = hands.index(x) yi = hands.index(y) if xi == (yi + 1) % 3 atk = rand(30..60) your_hp -= atk puts "you lose and your hp -= #{atk} ^_<".red elsif xi == (yi - 1) % 3 atk = rand(1..2) boss_hp -= atk puts "!#^%*^&!@##...boss hp -= #{atk} QQ".green else puts "uhh, nothing happened" end if your_hp <= 0 puts "you died lalalala ~~".red exit end if boss_hp <= 0 puts "gg.".green puts IO.read('flag').reverse exit end end end rescue Timeout::Error => e puts puts puts "Boss is going home (wave".red end