Guys, the sergeant just came in shouting: "Commander! We have just wiretapped three new AES-128 encrypted messages from the enemy: it looks like they resumed the transmissions after the power outage we caused with our sabotage...On a side note, I think the last three wiretaps might not be entirely correct message encryptions, so you'd better avoid submitting them to our cryptanalysts , lest they are not able to get the correct plaintext and keys out. Luckily they retransmitted a good deal of old information, so we have a fresh copy of them"
Sadly, I already gave you the old transcripts of the three AES-128 encrypted messages, so please, discard them, while cracking the three good ones.
I need both the plaintext message transmitted by the enemy and their encryption key, so get cracking them ASAP.
When you got them, submit them as PT:<plaintext1><plaintext2><plaintext3>SK:<key>, with plaintexts and key in plain ASCII.