import SocketServer from hashlib import md5 import random import math import os import struct from itertools import * kChunkSize = 128 kAddBit = 3 def print_banner(s): s.sendall("""Welcome to the Hash Game!\n""") def print_prob(s, target_hash): s.sendall("send data with hash %s\n" % target_hash.encode('hex')) def add(a, b): assert len(a) <= 8 assert len(b) <= 8 a = ("\x00" * (8-len(a))) + a b = ("\x00" * (8-len(b))) + b na = struct.unpack('>Q', a)[0] nb = struct.unpack('>Q', b)[0] res = struct.pack('>Q', na + nb) return res[-kAddBit:] def xor(a, b): assert (len(a) == len(b)) return ''.join(chr((ord(x) ^ ord(y)) % 256) for (x, y) in izip(a, b)) class MyTCPHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler): def handle(self): s = self.request print_banner(s) is_solved = False for stage in range(50): target_hash = os.urandom(16) print_prob(s, target_hash) size = int(s.recv(10).strip().rstrip()) if not (0 <= size and size < 1024 * kChunkSize): s.sendall('Invalid data size\n') return data = s.recv(size) add_res = "\x00" * kAddBit xor_res = "\x00" * (16-kAddBit) for i in range(0, size, kChunkSize): digest = md5(data[i:i+kChunkSize]).digest() add_part = digest[:kAddBit] xor_part = digest[kAddBit:] add_res = add(add_res, add_part) xor_res = xor(xor_res, xor_part) hash_val = add_res + xor_res print 'hash = ' + hash_val.encode('hex') out_hash = add_res + xor_res if out_hash == target_hash: s.sendall("Success. Let's go to a next level\n") else: s.sendall("Fail... May be next time..\n") return; s.sendall("Congrats! you solve all problems.\n") s.sendall("FLAG IS '******' (without quote)\n") if __name__ == "__main__": HOST, PORT = "", 34343 # Create the server, binding to localhost on port 9999 SocketServer.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True server = SocketServer.TCPServer((HOST, PORT), MyTCPHandler) # Activate the server; this will keep running until you # interrupt the program with Ctrl-C server.serve_forever()