Touran city is nicely organized (download the map below). All streets are either horizontal or vertical and homes are packed in 2x2 blocks. The bottom-left corner of the city is located at 55.6790078, 34.4017202! People of Touran use a simple and straight forward addressing scheme. In the city, the horizontal streets (each having a width of 20 meters) are numbered from 1 to 51 starting from the bottom to the top of the map. The lowest street, which does not have any home at the south, is street number 1. Buildings in each row, where each occupy a 30x30 meter area, are numbered from 1 to 100, left to right. Each building is addressed based on three parameters: the street number, the direction (S for the South and N for the North of street) and building number. For example a sample home, which is indicated by color red in the attached map, is located at 16-N-5, which means the 16th street from bottom, 5th home from left, at the North of the street! Now, what is the Monsters Inc. office address? Flag: the address