See the following dumb crackme. $ cat crackme.c #include #include #include #include char *serial = "\x30\x39\x3c\x21\x30"; int main(void) { int fd, i = 0; char buf[260] = {0}; char *r = buf; fd = open("serial.txt", O_RDONLY); read(fd, r, 256); close(fd); while (i < 5){ if ((*r ^ 0x55) != *serial) return 0; r++, serial++, i++; } if (!*r) printf("Good boy\n"); return 0; } $ cat serial.txt ABCD $ ../../../pin -t ./obj-intel64/ -taint-file serial.txt -- ./crackme [TAINT] bytes tainted from 0x7fff81674900 to 0x7fff81674a00 (via read) [READ in 7fff81674900] 400698: movzx eax, byte ptr [rax] [Constraint] #0 = 0x41 eax is now tainted [SPREAD] 40069b: mov edx, eax output: edx | input: eax edx is now tainted [FOLLOW] 40069b: mov edx, eax [Constraint] #1 = #0 [FOLLOW] 4195997: xor edx, 0x55 [Constraint] #2 = xor(#1, 0x55) [READ in 4007ec] 4006a7: movzx eax, byte ptr [rax] eax is now freed [FOLLOW] 4006aa: cmp dl, al [Equation] cmp(#2, 0x30) [Equation] cmp(xor(0x41, 0x55), 0x30) [SPREAD] 7f0fef6ab7db: mov edx, 0x1 output: edx | input: constant edx is now freed ------------------- As you can see above, this Pin tool lists all constraints to prepare the concolic execution ! The constraints are : [Constraint] #0 = 0x41 [Constraint] #1 = #0 [Constraint] #2 = xor(#1, 0x55) [Equation] cmp(#2, 0x30) And the full equation is : [Equation] cmp(xor(0x41, 0x55), 0x30) Now we just need to use a theorem solver and re-run the analysis (Concolic execution) to solve automaticaly this crackme. -- Ref: -- Same project with Valgrind: