Shellcodes database for study cases


It is very straightforward to communicate with this API. Just send a simple GET method. The "s" argument contains your keyword.<keyword>

Use "*" for multiple keywords search.


The output should be like this:

<auteur 1>::::<plateforme 1>::::<shellcode title 1>::::<shellcode id 1>::::<shellcode url 1>
<auteur 2>::::<plateforme 2>::::<shellcode title 2>::::<shellcode id 2>::::<shellcode url 2>
<auteur 3>::::<plateforme 3>::::<shellcode title 3>::::<shellcode id 3>::::<shellcode url 3>

For more information about how can you use it, read this shell-storm API python script. You can also find this API utilization in the GEF project (shellcode command).